web development team #1


The STI2D baccalaureate is aimed at high school students who are interested in technological innovations while respecting the environment and are sensitive to a concrete approach to science teaching.

This branch groups together various specialities such as :

During the first year of high school, you'll take classes in all specialities: energy, mechanics, computer science... You'll also learn about software and technologies such as SolidWorks (3d modeling), Arduino (prototyping), BimSolar (3D solar simulation), Sketchup (3D modeling), Raspberry Pi (Nano-computer)...

web development team #2


During the first year, we've completed 3 projects that have introduced us to the main STI2D streams. In this case:

Energy - IT - engineering

Also, carried out a project in conjunction with the league for the protection of birds, with the aim of creating a connected weather station. This project is not finished, it will be continued during the 2nd year.

During our first year we completely or partially carried out these projects:
  • USB Key - Make a prototype of a USB key case (ITEC)
  • Bus shelters - Create an autonomous bus shelter (EE)
  • E-Garden - Prototype a connected greenhouse (SIN)
  • Weather Station - Design a weather station (SIN - ITEC - EE - AC)

  • During our second year (last year), we will carry out 3 projects (SIN):
  • Stand-alone Aquarium - Create a prototype of an autonomous aquarium (SIN - ITEC). ← The best project, at present
  • Continuation of Weather Station - Design a weather station (SIN - ITEC) : Baccalaureate project.