Passe ton hack d'abord

What is a ctf ?

A CTF, short for "Capture The Flag", is a competition that tests your computer/cybersecurity skills by team.

There are several categories such as :

NoBracket's CTF
NoBracket's CTF

With the high school we participated in two CTF.
The "Nobrackets CTF" (organized by ENSIBS) and the "Passe Ton Hack d'Abord" co-organized by the Cyber Defense Command.

If you're new to CTFs, here are some steps to get you started:

  1. Learn the Basics: Start with basic cybersecurity concepts and tools.
  2. Join a Community: Join online forums and communities to learn from others.
  3. Practice: Participate in beginner-friendly CTFs and practice challenges.
  4. Study Write-ups: Read write-ups from past CTFs to understand different approaches.
  5. Build a Team: Collaborate with others to tackle more complex challenges.

For example, we have a little challenge on our website. To find the flag follow the steps below and have fun: