Prototype of USB Key

This year we were able to do a number of different projects, this one involving the creation of a USB flash drive cover. We were in groups of two. Some tools were made available to us, such as SOLIDWORKS.

That's why we're showing you one of our completed projects. An engraved STI2D chocolate bar USB flash drive.

It was the first project of the year. The aim of this project was to enable us to acquire new knowledge in terms of e-tech, such as handling solidworks software. Prior to the project, we had to create a mind-map and a gantt chart to structure the project requirements and the sequence of tasks to be carried out.

Gantt Diagram Gantt Diagram details

Sequence of tasks

  • Creating specifications
  • Creating a Gantt chart
  • Solidworks familiarization
  • Creating the actual Solidworks project
  • Oral presentation of the project

Examples of some projects:

Chocolate bar

Chocolate bar

Formula 1

Formula 1

Flag key

Flag Key

Basketball Key

Basketball key