Stand-alone Aquarium
The project aims to create a self-feeding system for fish food. The distribution must be done manually or automatically and can be managed with an application.
Several components were used in this project:

Project objective:
The principle is to move a rack to distribute doses of food predefined by the user.
- App inventor was used to create an application for managing the aquarium
- The language used is C++ with Arduino.
- On the app you can manage the number of fishes as well as the times of distribution ranging from 0 to 3.
- There is also a manual mode that can be managed through the system implementation button for distribution.
Project Notice:
Firstly, this project was the first project we did in a concrete way, with a solution and an acceptable prototype at the end.
This project allowed us to familiarize ourselves with AppInventor and Arduino.
The goal before the end of the year would be to take care of the aesthetic aspect and make an object suitable.
Code C++
// Libraries
#include Servo.h // Servo motor
#include DS3231.h // RTC
#include SoftwareSerial.h // Bluetooth
#include EEPROM.h // EEPROM - Stockage de données
#include BuzzerSong.h // Buzzer - Take On Me -> Aha
// Define (Pins)
#define rxPin 2
#define txPin 3
#define RED 11
#define GRN 12
#define BLU 13
#define servoPin 7
#define buzzerPin 8
#define boutonPinM 9
#define boutonPinD 6
// By Sim - 2024